Tuesday, February 10, 2009

6 Attributes Of The Best Money Making Business Opportunity

You probably hear it all the time. Make $25,000 in your first month. This is the best opportunity in the planet! We are in pre-launch and we made an EASY $50,000 this month alone!

Although it is sometimes true that real people are making an insane amount of money with their internet business opportunity, do not join just ANY program. Before you commit yourself - see if they fit ALL six of these attributes of a good and profitable business opportunity.

Attribute #1 - Real Products That Are Of High Value.

The best business opportunity needs to market real products that offer the end-user exceptional value so that it can create a profitable and long term business. Think about it, it is just common sense for ANY business opportunity to have good products for it to survive in such a competitive market.

But if you ever come across a business opportunity in which it does not have any products to sell you better run be VERY careful. A business opportunity without a product is an illegal pyramid scheme in which you can make a quick buck here and there - but at the expense of your reputation.

Attribute #2 - Steady Cash Flow

The best business opportunity pays you immediately on all your sales so you keep a steady and growing cash flow. Seeing money flow into your bank account quickly also gives you major motivation to promote your business more heavily and thus making you more money.

Attribute #3 - Effective Advertising Sources

The best business opportunity gives you multiple ways to advertise effectively and at the same time gives you a big return on investment. The owners or someone who brings you in a business opportunity should reveal some of these sources for you so that you can get started making money fast.

Attribute #4 The Right Marketing Tools

The best business opportunity automates your marketing process by providing you with the right marketing tools so that you can increase your daily sales. Some people confuse marketing with advertising.

Let me clarify - marketing is a system of sending out advertisements. The advertisements get the prospects interested in what you are selling.

Attribute #5 - Leverage

Nobody wants to work and sit at their computers all day to make a six figure income. That is why the best business opportunity has a system that allows you to leverage yourself.

This in turn gives you an instant sales team for you that create more income for yourself. Ideally, this system should be so solid that your sales team never slows down in making money for you. One such example that has worked very well for many people is the Australian 2-up plan.

Attribute #6 - Training And Support Most people coming into business opportunities are new and inexperienced. The best business opportunity should have some sort of training and support from real EXPERTS who are already successful and making the kind of money you desire.

These expert mentors should be making a six-figure incomes and have the proof to back it up. Most importantly these mentors should be willing to help you every step of the way and spoon feed you the process whenever you are lost and need help.

I believe ANY average Joe can make a six-figure income with the right business opportunity. If you know what to market and have the right tools to market it (like the six attributes above) you will greatly increase your chances of creating a solid six figure income.

Alan Quan is an internet marketing coach and owns a successful internet business selling high-end information products. He is helping and now giving his coaching FREE to entrepreneurs who are serious about making money on the internet. Visit http://e-bizcoachalan.com/articles.html and see if you qualify for his exclusive program.

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